Do you want to convert APE/FLAC audio files which you downloaded to one of your favorite format? Or just want to separate a large APE/FLAC audio file into several smaller file by tracks? Apen Lossless Converter can convert a lossless audio file (APE or FLAC) to another lossless audio file (APE/FLAC/WAVE), or rip a large lossless audio file to several smaller audio files based on the CUE file.
Key features:
- Convert APE to FLAC
- Convert APE to Wav
- Convert FLAC to APE
- Convert FLAC to Wav
- Rip an APE file to multiple FLAC/Wav files by CUE
- Rip a FLAC file to multiple APE/Wav files by CUE
- Supports PCM/DVIADPCM encode type for wav
- Easy to use and nice user interface
- Supports variable bit rate
- Win98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista Compatible
- No any other audio library is required